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Working Together To Create
Something Unique

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About us

Ad-Verbum Inter is a pillar in the translation and interpreting industry since 1990, both in Portugal and internationally.

Over these 20 years of service provision…

We have carefully built up a professional team of local and foreign translators and interpreters. This has allowed us to meet the increasingly high-quality standards demanded by the market.



We rapidly rose to become one of the leading companies in the sector. In 2013, our services were Quality Certificated, under the EN-15038 Standard.


This is why we want…

Your company to become one of our clients – So that your business knows no frontiers!

Our Journey:

Over the past 20 years, we have assembled a dedicated team of local and foreign translators and interpreters, committed to meeting the ever-rising quality standards of our dynamic field.

Our Growth:

This commitment propelled us to become a leading name in translation and interpreting. Our relentless pursuit of excellence earned us Quality Certification under the EN-15038 Standard in 2013.

Our Invitation:

We want your company to join our diverse and satisfied clientele. With Ad-Verbum Inter, language barriers become bridges, and your business knows no frontiers!


Translation and Localization

Transform your content to resonate globally. We adapt language, tone, and cultural nuances to connect with audiences anywhere.

Revision and Proofreading

Meticulous attention to detail ensures flawless communication. Our expert team refines and polishes texts for clear and confident delivery.

Machine Translation

Experience speed and efficiency with our state-of-the-art machine translation. It's technology meeting language expertise, tailored for your needs.

Multimedia translations

Extend your reach beyond text. We offer translation for videos, audios, and visual content, making your message accessible and engaging across all media.

Explore Opportunities with Ad-Verbum Inter

Whether you're seeking to unlock new markets with professional translation and interpreting services or eager to join a team that's shaping the future of global communication, we're here for you.

Request a Quote

Ready to bridge the language gap and connect with audiences worldwide? Click the button below to request a personalized quote for our top-notch services.

Work with Us

Passionate about languages and keen to make a difference? Join our team of talented translators and interpreters. Click the button below to explore exciting career opportunities with Ad-Verbum Inter.